About School Council

As part of the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993, each public school is required to maintain a School Site Council. The Council’s purpose is to promote local decision-making by providing support and advice to the building principal. Councils are composed of equal numbers of faculty and parents/community members. The principal and a parent/community member act as co-chairs. Parent representatives are selected through an election run by the parent organization. Each year the Council develops a school improvement plan outlining the goals for the coming year(s). These goals set the priorities for the school in terms of resource allocation and focus. Copies of the plan are available in the school office. The council holds monthly meetings that are open to the public. We encourage you to attend.

School Council Members for 2022-2023
  • Nicole LaPerriere – Principal

  • Liz Butler – Teacher

  • Lisa Manganello – Teacher

  • Jen Dubis-Teacher

  • Nicole Cirino – Parent

  • Laura DiPersia- Parent

  • Matthew Ziev – Parent

  • Maureen Levasseur – Community Representative